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نام : سید محمد | نام خانوادگی : برناپور | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
مرتبه علمي : دانشیار | نوع همکاری : هيأت علمي تمام وقت | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ایمیل دانشگاهی : mbornapour@yu.ac.ir | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ایمیل : mbornapour1988@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
زمینه تحقیقاتی : بهره برداري و برنامه ريزي بهينه از سيستم هاي قدرت؛ بهينه سازي در شبکه هاي توزيع؛ توليدات پراکنده (سلول هاي سوختي، توربين هاي بادي و...)؛ توليد همزمان برق و حرارت؛ قابليت اعتماد سيستم هاي قدرت؛ بازار برق؛ ريزشبکه؛ روش هاي بهينه سازي در سيستم هاي قدرت و شبکه هاي توزيع؛ الگوريتم هاي تکاملي؛ روش هاي عدم قطعيت | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
عناوين کسب شده · انتخاب به عنوان داور برجسته مجله Applied Energy در March 2018از سوي انتشارات الزوير (Elsevier) · انتخاب به عنوان داور برجسته مجله Energy Conversion and Management در July 2018 از طرف انتشارات الزوير (Elsevier) · انتخاب به عنوان داور برجسته مجله Energy در November 2016 از طرف انتشارات الزوير (Elsevier) · انتخاب به عنوان داور برجسته مجله Journal of Cleaner Production در March 2018 از طرف انتشارات الزوير (Elsevier) · انتخاب به عنوان داور برجسته مجله Renewable Energy در November 2017از طرف انتشارات الزوير (Elsevier) · عضويت در بنياد ملي نخبگان · عضو دفتر استعدادهاي درخشان دانشگاه اصفهان · عضو دفتر استعدادهاي درخشان دانشگاه صنعتي شيراز · عضو دفتر استعدادهاي درخشان دانشگاه شهيد رجايي تهران · رتبه اول آزمون ورودي استعدادهاي درخشان مقطع کارشناسي ارشد دانشگاه صنعتي شيراز · رتبه اول آزمون ورودي استعدادهاي درخشان مقطع دکتري دانشگاه اصفهان · فارغ التحصيل ممتاز مقطع دکتري از دانشگاه اصفهان · فارغ التحصيل ممتاز مقطع کارشناسي ارشد از دانشگاه صنعتي شيراز · فارغ التحصيل ممتاز مقطع کارشناسي از دانشگاه شهيد رجايي تهران · فارغ التحصيل رتبه اول مقطع کارشناسي از دانشگاه شهيد رجايي تهران · ارزيابي پايان نامه کارشناسي ارشد با درجه عالي (نمره 20) در سال 91 · ارزيابي رساله دکتري با درجه عالي (نمره 48/19) در سال 96
عضويت در مجامع علمي و مهندسي · عضو کميته تحقيقات شرکت توزيع نيروي برق استان کهگيلويه و بويراحمد · عضو کميته علمي کنفرانس ملي مهندسي برق و سيستم هاي هوشمند ايران (اسفند 1400) · داور جشنواره ايده هاي برتر هفته پژوهش و فناوري سال 1396 بنياد ملي نخبگان · عضو مؤسسه مهندسان برق و الکترونيک آمريکا (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers- IEEE) –Student Member of IEEE · عضو شاخه دانشجويي مؤسسه مهندسان برق و الکترونيک دانشگاه اصفهان (IEEE University of Isfahan Student Branch) · عضو نظام مهندسي ساختمان استان کهگيلويه و بويراحمد
مقالات ژورنال-ISI
[1] Payam Ghaebi Panah, Mosayeb Bornapour, X Cui, JM Guerrero. Investment opportunities: Hydrogen production or BTC mining?.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.11.206. 2021. Q1. [2] Payam Ghaebi Panah, Mosayeb Bornapour, Reza Hemmati, Josep M. Guerrero. Charging Station Stochastic Programming for Hydrogen/Battery Electric Buses using Multi-Criteria Crow Search Algorithm. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 111046.ISI index. Q1. [3] Seyyed Mostafa Nosratabadi, Reza Hemmati, Mosayeb Bornapour, Mostafa Abdollahpour, Economic evaluation and energy/exergy analysis of PV/Wind/PEMFC energy resources employment based on capacity, type of source and government incentive policies: Case study in Iran. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 43 (2021) 100963. Q1. [4] Aliakbar Dastranj, Ghazaleh lari, Mosayeb Bornapour. An Extremely Small Dual Band-Notched SWB Antenna with High Bandwidth Dimension Ratio. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies 13 (2021), 87-93. Q3. [5] Reza Hemmati, Hasan Mehrjerdi, Mosayeb Bornapour. Hybrid hydrogen-battery storage to smooth solar energy volatility and energy arbitrage considering uncertain electrical-thermal loads. Renewable Energy 154 (2020) 1180-1187. Q1. [6] Payam Ghaebi Panah, Rahmat-Allah Hooshmand, Mehdi Gholipour, Mosayeb Bornapour. Urban microgrid ancillary service provision using plugin electric vehicle and waste-to-energy CHP. Journal of Energy Storage 29 (2020) 101413. Q1. [7] Mosayeb Bornapour, Mohammad Reza Esmaili, Eskandar Gholipour. Optimal placement and control of UPFC for enhancement of power system performance using multi-objective ?-CPCE algorithm. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering -2020- ISI index. Q4. [8] Mosayeb Bornapour, Reza Hemmati, Motahareh Pourbehzadi, Aliakbar Dastranj, Taher Niknam. Probabilistic Optimal Coordinated Planning of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell-CHP and Renewable Energy Sources in Microgrids Considering Hydrogen Storage with Point Estimate Method. Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier) 206 (2020) 112495. ISI index. Q1. [9] Seyyed Mostafa Nosratabadi, Mosayeb Bornapour, Mohammad Abbasi Gharaei. Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Load Frequency Control Considering Predictive Functional Modified PID Controller in Restructured Multi-Resource Multi-Area Power System with Redox Flow Battery Units. Control Engineering Practice (Elsevier) 89 (2019) 204-227.-ISI index. Q1. [10] Pouya Firouzmakan, Rahmat-Allah Hooshmand, Mosayeb Bornapour. A Comprehensive Stochastic Energy Management System of Micro-CHP Units, Renewable Energy Sources and Storage Systems in Microgrids Considering Demand Response Programs. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) 108 (2019) 355-368. ISI index. Q1. [11]
Aliakbar Dastranj, Mosayeb Bornapour.
UWB Planar Conical Horn-Shaped [12] Mosayeb Bornapour, Amin Khodabakhshian, Mohammad Reza Esmaili. Optimal multi-objective placement of wind turbines considering voltage stability, total loss and cost using fuzzy adaptive modified particle swarm optimization algorithm. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering 43 (2019) 343–359. ISI index. Q4. [13] Hasan Mehrjerdi, Mosayeb Bornapour, Reza Hemmati, Seyyed Mohammad Sadegh Ghiasi. Unified energy management and load control in building equipped with wind-solar-battery incorporating electric and hydrogen vehicles under both connected to the grid and islanding modes. Energy (Elsevier) 168 (2019) 919-930. ISI index. Q1. [14] Aliakbar Dastranj, Fatemeh Ranjbar, Mosayeb Bornapour. A New Compact Circular Shape Fractal Antenna for Broadband Wireless Communication Applications. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 93 (2019), 19–28. Q3. [15] Mosayeb Bornapour, Rahmat-Allah Hooshmand, Moein Parastegari. An Efficient Scenario-Based Stochastic Programming for Optimal Scheduling of CHP-PEMFC, WT, PV Units and Hydrogen Storage in Micro Grids. Renewable Energy (Elsevier) 130 (2019) 1049–1066. ISI index. Q1. [16] Mosayeb Bornapour, Rahmat-Allah Hooshmand, Amin Khodabakhshian, Moein Parastegari. Optimal Stochastic Scheduling of CHP-PEMFC, WT, PV Units and Hydrogen Storage in Reconfigurable Micro Grids Considering Reliability Enhancement. Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier) 150 (2017) 725–741. ISI index. Q1. [17] Mosayeb Bornapour, Rahmat-Allah Hooshmand, Amin Khodabakhshian, Moein Parastegari. Optimal Stochastic Coordinated Scheduling of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell-Combined Heat and Power, Wind and Photovoltaic Generations in Micro Grids Considering Hydrogen Storage. Applied Energy (Elsevier) 202 (2017) 308–322. ISI index. Q1. [18] Amin Khodabakhshian, Mohammad Reza Esmaili, Mosayeb Bornapour. Optimal coordinated design of UPFC and PSS for improving power system performance by using multi-objective water cycle algorithm. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier), 83 (2016) 124-133.ISI index. Q1. [19] Mosayeb Bornapour, Rahmat-Allah Hooshmand, Amin Khodabakhshian, Moein Parastegari. Optimal coordinated scheduling of combined heat and power fuel cell, wind, and photovoltaic units in micro grids considering uncertainties. Energy (Elsevier) 117 (2016) 176-189. ISI index. Q1. [20] Mosayeb Bornapour, Rahmat-Allah Hooshmand. An efficient scenario-based stochastic programming for optimal planning of combined heat, power, and hydrogen production of molten carbonate fuel cell power plants. Energy (Elsevier) 83 (2015) 734-748. ISI index. Q1. [21] Taher Niknam, Mosayeb Bornapour, Amir Ostadi, Amirhossein Gheisari. Optimal Planning of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Power Plants at Distribution Networks Considering Combined Heat, Power and Hydrogen Production. Journal of Power Sources (Elsevier), 239 (2013) 513-526. ISI index. Q1. [22] Taher Niknam, Mosayeb Bornapour, Amirhossein Gheisari. Combined heat, power and hydrogen production optimal planning of fuel cell power plants in distribution networks. Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier) 66 (2013) 11–25. ISI index. Q1. [23] Taher Niknam, Mosayeb Bornapour, Amirhossein Gheisari, Bahman Bahmani-Firouzi. Impact of heat, power and hydrogen generation on optimal placement and operation of fuel cell power plants. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier) 38 (2013) 1111-1127. ISI index. Q1. [24] Ebrahim Farjah, Mosayeb Bornapour, Taher Niknam, Bahman Bahmani-Firouzi. Placement of Combined Heat, Power and Hydrogen Production Fuel Cell Power Plants in a Distribution Network. Energies 5 (2012) 790-814. ISI index. Q1. |