گروه آموزشی : ریاضی
دانشکده : علوم پایه
رشته تحصیلی : دكتري تخصصي - ریاضی
مرتبه علمي : دانشیار

تاریخ : 1395/09/16
بازدید : 92

[1] .A. Taherifar . Relative zideals in commutative rings. Commun.algebra, 41(2013), 325-34. (withA. R. Aliabad, F. Azarpanah).

[2]. A. Taherifar. Relative z-ideals in C(X).Topology and its applications, 156 (2009) 1711–1717 (with F. Azarpanah).

[3] A. Taherifar. Intersections of essential minimal prime ideals.Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 55,1 (2014) 121–130.

[4] A. Taherifar. Some new classes of topological spaces and annihilator ideals. Topology and its applications.165 (2014) 84–97

[5] A. Taherifar. Some generalizations and unifications of CK(X), C _{\side}(X) and C_{\infty}(X).Question mathematicae, (6) 2015(1-15).

[6] A. Taherifar. d-ideals, fd-ideals and prime ideals. Accepted (with S. Safaean).

[7]  A. Taherifar. Annihilator conditions related to the quasi Baer condition. Hacettepe journal, accepted, 2015.

[8] A. Taherifar, When is a sum of annihilator ideals an annihilator ideal? Commun. Algebra. (6) (2015) (with G.F .Birkenmeier, M. Ghirati).

[9] A. Taherifar. Intersections of essential (resp., free) maximal ideals of C(X), Topology and its applications.167(2014), 62-68 (with M. Ghirati).

[10]. A. Taherifar.Essential ideals in subrings of C(X) that contain C*(X), Filomat Journal, 29:7 (2015), 1631–1637.

[11]. A. Taherifar.A characterization of Baer-ideals, Journal of algebraic systems, 2(1)(2014), (37-51).

[12] A. Taherifar . \alpha Baer-rings and some related concepts via C(X), Question mathematicae, 1-19 (2015)(with A.R.Aliabad and N.Tayarzadeh).

[13]. A. Taherifar. Closed ideals in C(X) with different representations. Housten Journal. Accepted (with F.Azarpanah and M.Ghirati), 2016.

[14]. When is C_F(X)=M^{beta X\X}?. Topology and its applications. 194(2015), 22-25. (with F.Azarpanah and M.Ghirati).

[15]  On the rings of functions which are discontinuous on a finite set. Housten Journal. Accepted (with Z. Gharabagi and M.Ghirati), 2016.