Department : Computer Engineering
College : Engineering
Field : Ph.D - Computer Engineering
Academic : Assistant Professor

Personal Data

First Name : Keyvan Last Name : Rahimizadeh
Birth Date :
Birth Place :
Academic : Assistant Professor Contract Type : هيأت علمي تمام وقت
College EMail :
EMail : RahimiZadeh at Gmail
Research Interest : Performance evaluation of Virtualization technology, Cloud computing, computer networks, big data analysis and optimization, IoT, machine learning.
Educational Background
Degree :Ph.D Field : Computer Systems Architecture Engineering
College : Iran University of Science and Technology Year : 2015
Thesis : Virtual Machine Modeling and its Application in Virtual Machine Placement
Degree :Masters degree Field : Computer Networks Engineering
College : Amirkabir University (Tehran Polytechnic) Year : 2008
Thesis : Design of a New Routing Algorithm in Integrated Mobile Ad-Hoc and Cellular Networks
Degree :Bachelor's degree Field : Computer Engineering
College : Shiraz University Year : 2002
Thesis : Car Cruise Control Using Fuzzy Logic
I joined the Faculty of Engineering at Yasouj University as a Lecturer in September 2008. I received my PhD in Computer Systems Architecture Engineering in 2015 from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran. My PhD thesis "Virtual Machine Modeling and its Application in Virtual Machine Placement" is concerned with in-depth modeling and evaluation of virtualized server to perform efficient migration of virtual machine in Cloud datacenters . I received my MS in Computer Networks Engineering in 2008 from Amirkabir University (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran and my BS in Computer Engineering from Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
My research and technology interests are in virtualization technology, Cloud computing, computer networks and big data areas. In particular, I am interested in modeling and performance evaluation of virtualization, Cloud and Big Data analysis, Resource Allocation, and Distributed systems.
:Contact me
RahimiZadeh at